Den norska sensationen
Det som särskiljer den norska e-juice är den omsorgsfulla utvecklingsprocessen och de noggrant utvalda ingredienserna. Stor vikt läggs vid att skapa enastående smakprofiler och att använda högkvalitativa råvaror för att leverera en autentisk och njutbar upplevelse. En annan anledning till den norska e-juicens framgång ligger i deras kreativa tillvägagångssätt. De är inte rädda för att experimentera med olika smakkombinationer och innovativa koncept. Detta har resulterat i unika och spännande smaker som verkligen sticker ut från mängden.

En fantastisk tillväxtresa
Acme Vape Limited (IVG) har haft en otrolig tillväxt och etablerat sig som riktigt stark aktör på marknaden med sina exceptionella produkter och sitt innovativa tankesätt. Företaget har samlat ett team av experter som ständigt utforskar ny teknik, nya material och designkoncept som tänjer på gränserna för vaping-innovation. En grundpelare i IVG:s tillväxtstrategi är ett orubbligt engagemang för kvalitet. Företaget följer stränga tillverkningsstandarder och rigorösa kvalitetskontroller i varje steg av produktionsprocessen som gjort IVG synonymt med tillförlitlighet och hög standard.

Banbrytande vape-tillverkare
I den snabbt växande världen av vaping har Aroma King tagit scenen med storm tack vare sina enastående produkter. Med fokus på innovation, kvalitet och en passion för att erbjuda kunderna enastående upplevelser har Aroma King etablerat sig som en betydande aktör inom branschen. Med ett starkt engagemang för forskning och utveckling utforskar Aroma King ständigt nya teknologier och material för att erbjuda sina kunder innovativa och kvalitativa produkter.
Våra övriga varumärken

Riot Eliquid
Riot Labs Ltd – A UK based company that only can be seen as one of if not the most exciting and quickest growing companies in the UK and Europe. They have made a name for them self with the range named RIOT SQUAD. We have had exclusivity on their products for both the Norwegian and Swedish Market since December 2021.

The Yorkshire Vaper – TYV Ltd
The Yorkshire Vaper – TYV Ltd. A British multiband company which we have the exclusivity for the FIZZY BUBBLE brand in Norway since June 2019.

OneUp Vapor
OneUp Vapor is a LA-based company which we have had exclusivity for in the Norwegian market since 2018. -They are known for their fruity and sweet flavours that have been present in Scandinavian market for many years.

Ultra-Liquid Labs
Ultra-Liquid Labs is a Canadian E-Juice brand that we have had Exclusivity in the Norwegian Market for since early 2019. They specializes in high standard products and is known for their great variation of Fruity Flavours.

Charlies Chalk Dust – CUE Packaging
Charlies Chalk Dust – CUE Packaging. A LA born brand that has been around and serving the world with great Fruity and Dessert Flavours since 2014. We have had the Exclusivity for their brand in the Norwegian market since February 2020.

BO Vaping by J WELL France
BO Vaping by J WELL France – Is a French brand that specializes in pre-filled pod systems and devices. We have had the Exclusivity for the Norwegian market and our following distribution markets since September 2019.

Nasty Juice Europe Ltd
Nasty Juice Europe Ltd – A Malaysian Brand that has taken the European Market by large. They have established brands such as Nasty Juices but also KILO and Bazooka that comes from the US. We have had Exclusivity on these brands since November 2020 for the Norwegian Market.
Nasty Juice Europe Ltd – A Malaysian Brand that has taken the European Market by large. They have established brands such as Nasty Juices but also KILO and Bazooka that comes from the US. We have had Exclusivity on these brands since November 2020 for the Norwegian Market.

Liberty Flights Ltd
Liberty Flights Ltd – Being one of the first and most significant companies in the UK market for years we finalized an exclusivity agreement for the Norwegian Market on their brands XO-liquids and DOT PRO in July 2021.

Savage Enterprises
Savage Enterprises is a Californian based multi winning company which we have the Exclusivity for the brand RIPE in the Norwegian market since June 2019.

Flavour Warehouse Ltd
Flavour Warehouse Ltd is the largest E-Liquid manufacture in the UK and the owner of the bestselling brand Vampire Vape. We have had Exclusivity for both the Norwegian and Swedish market since January 2022.