Norse Impact changes name to Harm Reduction Group AB

The Swedish Companies Registration Office has registered the name change from Norse Impact AB to Harm Reduction Group AB and the Company will therefore change its listing name and short name as of July 7, 2023.

On June 14, 2023, it was decided at the ordinary general meeting of Norse Impact AB that the Company should change its name to Harm Reduction Group AB. The name change is as of Friday 30 June 2023 registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

The company's share will be traded under a new listing name and short name on the Spotlight Stock Market as of Friday, July 7, 2023. The last day for trading with the name Norse Impact is thus Thursday, July 6, 2023. New listing name will be Harm Reduction Group and new short name for the share will be NOHARM. The CFI and ISIN codes do not change. The FISN code changes to HARMRED/SH.

The date for the launch of the Company's new website will be announced later, until then the information can be found at - We in the company are very satisfied with the new name. There is now an extensive "common thread" in all company names and further down to brand level. We could not have been more pleased that, NOHARM, our absolute vision to reduce the harmful effects of tobacco smoking, will be the trading ticker on Spotlight from July 7, says Marius Arnesen, CEO of Harm Reduction Group AB.

Harm Reduction Group AB in brief

Harm Reduction Group is the Nordic region's fastest growing harm reduction group. This segment consists of legal nicotine products as a replacement for the very harmful tobacco smoking. The company's ongoing operations are primarily located throughout the Nordic region, but also in Great Britain. The company is particularly strongly positioned in the areas of electronic cigarettes (Vape) and snus, with fifteen exclusive agreements with well-established smokeless products. Harm Reduction Group now has twenty-two physical stores and eleven own online stores. The company has a strong growth focus, based on organic growth and solid strategic acquisitions, both in the Nordics and the rest of Europe. Important points here are strong synergies, market shares and sound financial operations.

The company has a strong growth focus, based on organic growth and solid strategic acquisitions, both in the Nordics and the rest of Europe. Important points here are strong synergies, market shares and sound financial operations.

The new name structure looks as follows;

For further information contact Marius Arnesen, CEO. Phone: +47 938 00 894, e-mail: