Harm Reduction Group â Interim report Jan â June 2023
The board and the managing director of Harm Reduction Group AB issue
herewith interim report for the second quarter of 2023.
Harm Reduction Group AB has during Q2 built for the future
Harm Reduction Group, develops and sells products in the "non-smoke" segment as well
called Harm reduction, which are legal nicotine alternatives to tobacco cigarettes. The sale takes place
through own stores online and off-line under leading brands such as Cigge Store, Norsevape,
Nordamp, Eurobrands. Sales take place through two different channels, business to business (B2B)
and business to consumer (B2C).
Summary the group period April â June 2023
- Net sales during the period amounted to 40,355 kSEK (43,940 kSEK)
- Result EBITDA amounted to -1,280 kSEK (5,048 kSEK)
- Operating profit after goodwill amortization -5,673 kSEK (- 123 kSEK)
- Earnings per share after dilution -0.04
Summary parent company April â June 2023
- Net sales during the period amounted to SEK 0 k (SEK 400 k)
- Operating profit amounted to -1,818 kSEK (-1,040 kSEK)
Events after the end of the reporting period
- First order from Dagab
- Opening of a store in Farsta Centrum